Soft, buttery and rich danish pastry filled with cinnamon apples and pecans for a delicious fall inspired breakfast.
Thanks to Red Star Yeast for helping me sharing this danish recipe with you.
My sleeping hours are anywhere from midnight to 5-6 am monday to friday. I always make jokes I would do so much if I could cut on my sleep. Or even skip it all together. I would definitely win the mother of the year award if I have all the 24 hours in the day to do all the things I schedule for the day.
Weekends are different. Although I’m still slightly awake shortly after 5 I try not to get out of the bed until close to 7. It’s my lazy time. Time to put my thoughts in order, maybe even sneak in a quick cat nap and decide what I should make for breakfast once everyone is up and running.
Usually a quick bread or a muffin are mandatory for a lazy weekend breakfast. From time to time I may make pancakes or oatmeal cookies
A couple of weekends ago I surprised my family with a warm, just out of the oven apple pecans danish pastry.
I absolutely love danish pastries and although I have made a few in the past taking a shortcut and using puff pastry, this time I took a deep breath and made everything from scratch.
The pastry dough is different from the puff pastry. It’s not flakey. It’s soft, buttery and rich.
To make the pastry from scratch is a little work, I must admit. I also should tell you my first danish didn’t turn out as I was hoping for. Mostly because I wasn’t expecting to work with a dough that’s so fragile.
The dough is really easy to make. Although it’s a yeast dough (click here for tips on working with yeast) , there’s no kneading needed. Just blend everything in a large mixing bowl, cover and refrigerate over night. In the morning all you have to do is roll the pastry and fill it. Let rest while you heat the oven and bake until golden brown.
You’ll have to keep in mind when rolling out the dough that it’s very very tender. Make sure your working area is well floured and keep some more flour handy to dust the rolling-pin so it doesn’t tear the pastry.
This time I chose apples and pecans but you can do nuts and dried fruit, or cheese or jam. The fillings are endless.
The recipe for this apple pecans danish can be found on Red Star Yeast website
I kept the recipe as written on Red Star Yeast website. The only thing I did different is making just one danish instead of two. The rest is absolutely the same.
Happy baking,