Being a stay at home Mom I’m always thankful for having the privilege to spend every day with my baby, without the need to put her in a child care center, rush to work and spend countless hours commuting. I was right beside her when she was strong enough to hold my finger in her tiny hand, she took her first steps, she said her first words. We laughed together, played together, cried together, baked together. The last (almost) 4 years have been a blessing spending every single day with her by my side.
But being a stay at home mom has its downside also. I miss adult talk! Chatting on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ does not count!
We try to schedule playdates as often as possible. During the cold months, we’re hosting a playdate at our house every week. On certain occasions we schedule grown-up parties, just like the one I hosted last week.
Since we’re all busy during the summer we try to get together at least once a month some adult talk, without being interrupted every.single.minute or being trapped into flying toys area.
We had this Mom’s night out party scheduled since the end of school year and I was looking forward to it.
A few weeks ago I reached out to Jarlsberg and WoolWich Dairy to see if they are interested in proving the cheese for our Mom’s night out. Their generosity made our party memorable!
From Jarlsberg we had their well know Jarlsberg cheese, a buttery yellow cheese made from cow’s with a mild nutty flavor. You may remember the 4 ingredients cheese sticks I shared a while back. They were made with grated Jarlsberg cheese.
Jarlsberg cheese is an all-purpose cheese. It’s great sliced in sandwiches, as a snack or in cooking or baking. I love it in grilled cheese sandwiches!
We also enjoyed their caramel cheese, Gjetost. This fudge like cheese is made from a blend of cow’s and goat’s milk. It’s sweet but salty and rich. Great addition to a cheese platter, thin sliced in sandwiches, you can also enjoy it in fondue or use it in baking – Salted Caramel Skillet Brownie. It’s very versatile.
New to me was Snøfrisk – a tangy cream cheese made from goat’s milk with just a little cow’s milk added to it. It’s perfect for spreading or dipping and even in cheesecake recipes. There’s also a hard Snøfrisk cheese, made entirely from goat’s milk. It has a pure white color, with a rich and mild taste.
From Woolwich Dairy we had their original Chevrai, a creamy, light, tangy cheese made entirely of goat’s milk. It served as the main ingredient in the cheesecake we enjoyed at the party. Recipe coming in my next post.
A party favorite was the goat brie. No surprise it was acclaimed as one of the world’s great cheeses. Brie is characterized by its edible white rind and an ivory-colored, buttery-soft interior. We all enjoyed every piece of the two small wheels. Just before everyone arrived I slightly warmed them in the oven, for about 5 minutes in a 350F oven.
Goat’s cheese cheddar and mozzarella were added to our cheese platter. Since we had so many choices to choose from, I felt like these two cheese were the least favorite which, actually turned out to be a great thing! I used the sliced cheese few days ago in a cheese pasta casserole which gave it a creamy irresistible texture being a winner in my family’s book!
Thanks to Jarlsberg and WoolWich Dairy my friends and I had a wonderful time and we’re looking forward to the next one!
*Disclaimer : All the cheeses enjoyed to the party was offered by Jarlsberg and WoolWich Dairy. Although I have been compensated for my time to put together the party and write this post, opinions are and will always be mine.