So glad you stopped by!
I’m Roxana, the flour dusted random photographer and typo-maker behind this blog. On rare occasions, I call myself a “writer” but then I remember I have no idea what I am actually doing considering I started this blog as a means to learn English. Yes, I’ve come a long way but still need improving.
If you’re reading this I guess you’d like to know me better. So, here it goes!
I was born in Romania and lived there for almost 30 years before moving to the United States. I don’t talk much about my roots (or at least as much as others think I should). I mentioned here and there I’m Romanian but don’t expect many Romanian dishes.
A mix of country and city girl, I spent my free time exploring new places and fell head over heels for a handsome American man while sipping a cappuccino in London in my mid 20’s. After lot more coffees in different parts of the world in the following years, I’ve moved to central Virginia with my handsome American man and haven’t looked back. Best decision of my life!
Shortly after we welcomed our baby girl, and my life has been better than any fairy tale I dreamed off. I’m just the luckiest girl alive!
What’s food got to do with all this?
I’m not sure how it all happened. It took me by surprise! And my entire family!
I burned toast and overcooked eggs well in my 30’s. It’s safe to say my husband didn’t marry me for my excellent cooking skills.
My first ever baking adventure was recreating a German Chocolate Cake. I made 6 cakes. All German Chocolate Cake. None of them tasted like the one I had at a restaurant so I gave up (I blame it on my pregnancy taste buds).
My second baking adventure was when Tiffany turned 1 month old. I wanted to make a cake to celebrate. It turned out somehow edible, but nothing like I imagined.
It’s been a LOT of trial and error.
Tiffany is now 6 and we all survived! Just like my English, my confidence in the kitchen has come a long way.
As you probably guessed by now, I’m self-taught, learning more with every dish I make. Being in the kitchen not only brings me joy but completes me as well.
Nowadays you find me teaching Math and Language Arts in the morning, driving my daughter to different after school activities in the afternoon and blogging the night away.
On days we finish our lessons early, I bake along with my daughter. She’s been with me in the kitchen since she was 2.
This blog has been a wonderful way for me to improve not only my English but also a way to chronicle my culinary adventures. It continues to motivate me to improve my skills and try new things. I hope to inspire people like you and me to be fearless in the kitchen, try new things and keep it fun!
Contrary to what some of you might think, making your own food doesn’t have to be stressful, difficult, time-consuming, or expensive.
If I can do it, you can too!
I love to hear from my readers, even if it’s not food or travel related! Feel free to contact me at roxana (at) atreatsaffair (dot) com, with any questions, comments, concerns, or if you have a recipe you’d like to have featured here. I can also be reached on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit a trEATs affair — it means so much to me. To make sure you don’t miss any posts, be sure to subscribe via email
Curious about the name of the blog? Here’s the answer to your question.
See you soon!